Accidents with Postal Drivers in Las Vegas
Accidents involving United States postal trucks happen more often than many people might realize. The Las Vegas accident attorneys at Paul Padda Law have years of experience handling these types of Federal Tort Claims Act cases. Given the nature of their jobs, United States Postal Service delivery drivers are highly susceptible to accidents. Put Las Vegas personal injury law firm Paul Padda Law to work on your postal driver crash. Call our office today at (702) 707-7000 or via our online form to schedule a free, no-risk consultation.
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Nevada Postal Vehicle Accidents Require the Right Attorney
Because postal service drivers and delivery personnel are federal employees, there are special rules governing suing them for injuries caused in an accident. Unlike most auto accidents, crashes involving U.S. postal service vehicles involve the Federal Tort Claims Act because postal service workers are federal employees. If you or a loved one has been injured by a postal service vehicle or employee, our knowledgeable, experienced Las Vegas attorneys can help you obtain the compensation you rightfully deserve.
We are hard-working, honest lawyers working tirelessly for you
As a former U.S. trial attorney, Paul Padda spent years defending the federal government against lawsuits involving accidents resulting from postal service drivers. As a result, he and his team are very familiar with the intricate and unique procedures that govern lawsuits against the federal government. In fact, many other personal injury attorneys turn to Paul Padda Law to assist them and their clients in lawsuits against the federal government. Because the Federal Tort Claims Act is legislation that governs all tort suits against the United States government, it is essential to choose a law firm that has extensive knowledge and experience in this highly specialized area of the law. One fatal misstep can result in dismissal of an otherwise meritorious lawsuit.
At Paul Padda Law, if you or a loved one has been injured in an accident involving a postal service vehicle or employee (or any other federal employee), we can provide the aggressive and experienced legal representation you need. We are committed to treating all of our clients with the dignity and respect they deserve. If you or a loved one wants to sue the federal government or one of its employees due to an accident, you have the right to receive just compensation, the best available medical care, and the highest quality legal representation.
At Paul Padda Law, we’re more than your lawyers. We’re the allies you want to help set things right.
Don’t Underestimate Your Postal Accident. Contact Us
You might think you don’t need lawyer for your accident. Your case might seem straightforward. Don’t be so sure. Many so-called simple cases quickly become complicated. Put your trust in a law firm that puts people first. Contact Paul Padda Law. We won’t tell you what to do. We will listen. Then we’ll offer our advice and explain all the legal options available to you. You make the final decision. You’re in charge. Your case matters here.
Call our office today at (702) 707-7000 or via our online form to schedule a free, no-risk consultation.