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Case Results

At Paul Padda law, we strive for the best possible outcome in every case, no matter the injury or circumstances. We encourage you to review some of the ways that we’ve helped people recover what they needed when it really mattered.

Please note that individual cases depend on a variety of unique factors. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any comparable or future case.

Businessman Beaten by Nightclub Security Obtains Record Verdict – $160,000,000

A successful businessman beaten by nightclub security sustained various significant injuries. The nightclub’s attorney offered to settle the businessman’s various claims for $50,000. Paul Padda Law litigated the case for five years and at the conclusion of a six-week jury trial helped obtain a $160,000,000.00 verdict for the client; one of the largest verdicts in Nevada history.


Professional Defamed on the Internet Receive Judgement – $4,600,000

A professional executive who was defamed on the internet by a con artist who engaged in a concerted effort to destroy the professional’s business was awarded $4,600,000 by the court as a result of Paul Padda Law’s aggressive litigation strategy. Case resolved by court awarding a multimillion dollar judgment.


Woman Injured in Chain-reaction Accident Collects Settlement – $115,000

Client, a female, was waiting in traffic on the I-215 highway as a result of another accident when she was suddenly impacted as a result of another multi-vehicle accident. Client sustained injuries to her neck and shoulder. At first the adverse insurance company refused to accept liability but eventually agreed to pay a six-figure settlement after Paul Padda Law was retained and threatened to proceed to court on the matter. The settlement allowed the Client to pay off all her bills and helped her with her mortgage. Case settled based upon prelitigation demand.


Cocktail Waitress Obtains Settlement for Shoulder Injury – $115,000

The client, a cocktail waitress at a property on the Strip, was injured while making a left turn in her vehicle when another driver slammed into her. Client sustained shoulder injuries which caused her to miss time from work. Insurance company questioned and challenged the nature of Client’s injuries. However, after the threat of litigation by Paul Padda Law, the insurance company immediately agreed to a settlement. The case settled based upon prelitigation demand.


Salesman Sues Amusement Park for Traumatic Brain Injury – $250,000

A salesman and his family were enjoying a ride at a Las Vegas, Nevada amusement park when he experienced a mild traumatic brain injury. After retaining Paul Padda Law, the firm hired an expert to show the ride was defective and prone to cause injury. Case settled during litigation.


Veteran and Senior Citizen Sues for Elder Abuse – $150,000

A senior citizen and his family retained Paul Padda Law to sue an assisted living facility for elder abuse. Client, a veteran, was preyed upon by a conman that was negligently permitted to enter the assisted living facility and exercise coercive and manipulative control over the Client. Case settled during litigation.


California Man Experiences Mild Whiplash While Driving on Highway – $37,500

Client, on his way from Los Angeles, California to Las Vegas, Nevada experienced whiplash after he was struck from behind by another vehicle while driving on the I-15 highway near Baker, California. Paul Padda Law made a prelitigation demand which resulted in the case resolving for an amount far above what the Client originally expected. Case settled based upon prelitigation demand.


Client Sues Her Supervisor After He Demands to See Her Breasts – $50,000

Client, a saleswoman based in Las Vegas, Nevada, was subjected to a hostile working environment and repeated sexual advances from her male supervisor. Despite her attempts to rebuff his advances, he demanded she show him her breasts if she wanted to keep her job. Feeling humiliated and demoralized, she retained Paul Padda Law which pursued an aggressive strategy to bring the supervisor’s company to the settlement table. Case settled based upon prelitigation demand.


Man T-Boned by Commercial Vehicle Sues for Back Injury – $500,000

Client, a day laborer was “t-boned” by a commercial vehicle while he was returning home following a long day at construction job. Following the accident, Client experienced back pain and related problems and was required to undergo a lumbar surgery. Case settled during litigation.


Woman Struck in Cross-walk Sues for Eye Damage – $250,000

Client, a bookkeeper, was on her lunch break and crossing the street near her office when she was struck by a large pick-up truck. Client fell to the ground injuring her face, specifically her left eye. Unfortunately, the driver that caused the accident had no insurance. Client retained Paul Padda Law and made a demand for the policy limits of her uninsured / underinsured motorist coverage. The insurance company settled for policy limits after Paul Padda Law arranged for Client to be examined by a world-renowned eye surgeon at UCLA hospital. Case settled based upon prelitigation demand.


Real Estate Agent Sideswiped on the I-15 Highway Obtains Policy Limit Settlement – $100,000

Client, a real estate agent, was inured when driving her friend on the I-15 highway. Another vehicle sideswiped Client’s vehicle and then fled the scene. Unable to locate the other driver, who fled prior to the arrival of the police, Client was left having to pursue a claim under her uninsured / underinsured motorist policy. After terminating her first attorney, Client retained Paul Padda Law which obtained a policy limit settlement for Client. Case settled based upon prelitigation demand.


Man Obtains Settlement Following Car Accident After His Claim is First Denied – $65,000

Paul Padda Law’s Client was injured while driving on Tropicana Avenue in Las Vegas, Nevada when his car collided with another vehicle that was traveling in the same lane of traffic. Initially the other driver’s insurance company denied the Client’s claim by arguing that their driver was not at fault for the collision and not liable for the Client’s injuries. Paul Padda Law settled the claim by laying out the facts that the other driver was at fault for the accident resulting in a settlement that far exceeded the Client’s expectation. Case settled based upon prelitigation demand.


Taxi Driver Obtains Maximum Settlement After Being Cited for Causing Accident – $50,000

Client, a middle-aged taxi-driver was injured when his vehicle collided with another car at an intersection near the Las Vegas Strip. Client was originally cited in a traffic report. Paul Padda Law not only overturned the traffic citation but subsequently helped Client obtain the policy limit from the other driver’s insurance company. Case settled based upon prelitigation demand.


Taxi Driver Obtains Maximum Settlement After Being Cited for Causing Accident – $50,000

Client, a middle-aged taxi-driver was injured when his vehicle collided with another car at an intersection near the Las Vegas Strip. Client was originally cited in a traffic report. Paul Padda Law not only overturned the traffic citation but subsequently helped Client obtain the policy limit from the other driver’s insurance company. Case settled based upon prelitigation demand.


Veteran Sues VA Hospital for Botched Surgery – $150,000

An Army Veteran retained Paul Padda Law to sue VA Hospital medical personnel for malpractice following a botched surgery. The Client, who received treatments at VA facilities in Las Vegas, Nevada and Los Angeles, California, lost sensation in his hands and experienced significant emotional pain. Following an intensive deposition at which Paul Padda interrogated the government’s expert witness, the government attorney told Paul Padda “we should try to settle this case.” Case settled during litigation.


Executive Fired in Retaliation for Raising Civil Rights Issues – $400,000

Paul Padda Law was retained by a prominent executive who was fired by his employer after he raised civil rights issues involving the treatment of gay employees. A former federal judge who helped mediate the dispute told the Client that he was “wise” to select Paul Padda Law as his counsel because Defendant was undoubtedly aware of the firm’s reputation in the courtroom. Case settled following mediation.


Client Increases the Settlement Value of Her Case – $115,000

Client was injured when another driver failed to yield at a stop sign and crashed into her vehicle in Henderson, Nevada. Client sustained back injuries. Client originally retained another law firm and the insurance company offered her a settlement that was barely above the amount of her medical bills. Client switched to Paul Padda Law. After examining the Client’s file, Paul Padda Law made a demand which was three times the amount of the last settlement offer the Client was originally offered with the other law firm. The insurance company accepted the demand. Case settled based upon prelitigation demand.


Nurse and Carpenter Injured in Car Accident Sue for Neck Injuries – $700,000

A registered nurse and her husband, a carpenter, were injured while driving in their family vehicle when another driver made a dangerous turn while pulling out of a driveway causing a collision. Clients sustained neck and back injuries. Clients missed several days of work in addition to the inconvenience to their family and personal life caused by the accident. Case settled based upon prelitigation demand.