What to Do if You Get Pulled Over by a Las Vegas Police Officer
Nobody wants to get pulled over. It’s a stressful time, and your immediate reaction is likely to get defensive, but it’s important to remember, to take the right steps and actions to ensure a positive reaction between you and the police officer. Remember, given recent media events, police officers tend to be very on edge…
What to Do if Your Neighbor’s Dog Bites Your Child
Dog bites can be terrifying and carry untold consequences with them, from infections to severe injury and even disease. When a dog attacks, victims are outraged, confused and frightened. The problem is even worse when the victim is a child and the dog belongs to a neighbor. What do you do right away, and how…
What You Shouldn’t Post on Social Media
Although freedom of speech is a right protected by the first amendment, an employer has the right to terminate you for any conduct deemed “inappropriate” by company standards. First amendment rights are meant to protect a citizen’s statements about the government. Any statements made about other entities may not be protected. This code extends itself…
Teen Drivers in Nevada
As teens go back to school this fall, many will transition from riding a school bus to driving themselves. However, passing a driver’s test alone does give a young driver enough experience to fully handle all the driving hazards on our roads today. Motor vehicle crashes are the #1 cause of death for teens. Take…